We have concentrated, so far, on animals and plants in nature, but we cannot forget helping in the growth of humans as well. I have spent a good bit of my life helping children, youth, and adults to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Through this, I have learned as much as I have taught. There are so many possibilities to be involved in the growth of people around you that we will only throw out some ideas. What you have available specifically will, of course, depend on where you live.
- Volunteer to help with young people. Churches are constantly searching for people to help with children and youth ministries. In many cases they aren’t looking for a director, but simply someone to be a mentor and help lead. In addition to the church, in larger cities, there are many youth organizations such as sports leagues, scout societies, service organizations, and many others. You can basically help with just about anything you have an interest in.
- Volunteer to help the marginalized. This is another type of ministry where there is no lack for need of help. You can find ways to help the poor, hungry, refugees, homeless, sick, abused. There are programs in the church and in cities throughout our conference. It would be as simple as asking your pastor to get put with the proper people.
- Volunteer to visit shut-ins, the elderly, or the imprisoned. Companionship can sometimes be a greater gift than money or food. There are many people who need more people in their life. By going and using a resource which so many of us seem to be short on: time, you can change lives, one of which will probably be your own.
Finding the Spiritual in this Practice: This, for anyone religious, is a no-brainer. To reach out to those in need is one of the most important things we are called to do as Christians. There are many verses that resonate with these actions that you can repeat to yourself each time you begin this type of work. This type of work calls you to prayer for the people you are helping. The more you develop ways to help other people, the more you tend to learn something about yourself. I believe that we become better by helping others to be better. It is the nature of God to cause things to grow. When we can take part in that, it is a truly holy thing.