Food: So much packaging is used for food these days. Just think about how much packaging is used for one person to have a value meal at a fast food restaurant. All of that is made for one meal then thrown away. We package and serve food this way at home as well.
In the same way we talked about gift packaging, try to focus on more on what’s inside the packaging than how it’s wrapped. For instance, in the meat section of the grocery store, you can find ground beef wrapped in plastic or in a sturdier plastic box with cellophane covering. This is, of course, better protection for your ground beef, but do you really need that much protection between the store and home? Look at these items that are pandering to your sense of safety. This may cause you to buy another brand than you are used to. These are lifestyle changes that may speak to companies that are packaging this way.
Look for ways of using less packaging. Try not to buy as many individual wrapped products unless it’s a necessity. Try to buy packaging that is recyclable. Know, as you do this that you are using the resources God has given us more wisely—this is a way of giving thanks.