I think a special consideration must be made for humans though. It seems humans routinely think they are somehow on a different plane from other creatures. To a degree this may be relevant in that humans seems to have cognitive abilities beyond most other animals. We can certainly hatch plans and do taxes (for the most part) that our fellow creatures don't bother to do. However, does this necessarily mean we are the most advanced? The more we observe family units in other species and fascinating behavior that seems written in the DNA of other animals, the less I think our claims of supremacy stand up to the test of reason.
Leaving some of these questions aside, it became abundantly clear to me recently that while I consider humans a "strong" species - we are by no means the mightiest, and in truth are quite vulnerable. We of course know this for the most part. We generally don't swim with powerful sharks or get too close to lions. We are aware that even smaller creatures like spiders and snakes can kill us with a bite. But that even plants can inflict severe pain on us should give us pause and perspective of our place in nature.
So when we get the arrogance to think that we are the biggest, baddest, and best on the planet - I hope something makes us itch really, really badly.
Weekly Green Thought
"Even if you are old, you must plant. Just as you found trees planted by others, you must plant them for your children." Midrash Tanchuma, Kodashim 8 (fourth-fifth centuries)
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