22 November 2010

How We Eat - Practice 1

Spend some time on your blessing.

Often, for me, when I sit down to eat, I go right into shoving my face full of food. I don’t think a lot about the food I’m eating and what it took for it to get on my plate. Food is not as much the centerpiece of each day as it may have been in the past. Much of work for humans used to be food related—think about it.

Today, though, we don’t have to think of food outside of making sure we eat it. By doing this we run the risk of not appreciating and thanking God for one of the most important things in our daily lives.

So, try this: At least once a day, think about everything that had to happen for the food to make it on your plate when you sit down to eat. Think of the animal or plant that lost its life, the worker who harvested, the machinery and manpower needed to deliver the food, the cook who prepared the food—take all of this in and realize how much happened so that you could have this meal you are about to eat. Think about how it will keep your body going longer for all the things you need to and love to do. Be grateful for this incredible thing. Thank God piece by piece and be humbled by all the ways you are given sustenance.

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