19 March 2011

Water Practice 1: Collect Water for Use

We let so much water that could be used around the house wash away.

Take some time to consider all the water that is lost down the drain or into the ground in your house. For instance, water runs down the drain when you are waiting for the hot water heater to kick in. You could let that water run into a bowl, pitcher, or watering can to use later. This can be used to water plants or rinse dishes waiting to be washed. You can also set up a rain barrel or bucket to catch some of the water that falls from the sky. You, of course, would not drink this water, but you can use it to flush your toilets. This cuts down on the amount pumped from your well or city water. This could save you money, but that’s not all.

I’ve found that these practices slow me down and focus me on these simple tasks. When I do that, it clears my mind and helps me appreciate simple things. This calls me to prayer. These acts certainly take more time, but I feel a closeness to God while I do them, and I am more thankful for this basic necessity of life.

So, collect some of this water, and when you do that extra work it will inevitably create, make it into a prayer of thanks.

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