It's been really hot the past few days. I can't remember it ever being this hot this early in the summer. Maybe it's because it's quite possible that it's never been this hot this early in the summer. Or perhaps even as the image on below displays, it's never been this hot ever in modern history.
There are record highs being set, and meanwhile some of my family is at a wedding in Virginia which was one of the areas hit by a weather incident I've never heard of before (derecho?). On the other side of the country, fires are burning everything.
Ultimately, I believe many of the weather anomalies of the past decade or so have had something to do with climate change. I will admit that for me this is a faith position, and I don't have the knowledge/training to prove things one way or another. The thing is, I suspect no one can actually prove climate change is happening or not. What bothers me is that until perhaps very recently it was seemingly categorically dismissed by many faith communities (and for some it still is). I suspect this has more to do with an inherent suspicion/animosity toward science than much else. What's further puzzling is that some of these communities have posited that people's behavior regarding other aspects of their lives have brought on natural disasters. So a link is drawn between human behavior and calamitous weather - but only in terms of God punishing certain behaviors with disasters.
The Bible is a diverse enough collection to maintain several different positions on why bad things happen (to good or all people). But the prevailing opinion - especially in the "Old Testament" is that we reap what we sow. It seems by the thermometer that we're sowing hell.
30 June 2012
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Unfortunately, my community garden is a bust this year. Normally it doles out a minumum of 100 to 200-lbs to RIFA, our local soup kitchen. This year with the long term intense heat, it is a complete wash out. I just cannot get there enough to keep it from frying.
We do ALWAYS reap what we so but in another way to put it is "We reap as we sow"! Sowing "goodly & GODLY" we often do not reap a bountiful food harvest but that does not mean we have failed. Hard work and good stewardship can develpe more than meets the human eye and can generate GOD-like behavior in others and bring someone into a mindset of GODLINESS who otherwise might be left in the community gardeners have nothing to show this year but dry, burnt up plants but the fellowship we share(ed) and lifetime friendships we forge go on, even when we have little to show for it.
My continuous plan in pursuing this endeavor at the community garden is to give a place of "intentional community", in a way not unlike the first church, of offering an otherwise "burned up community" a vision and hard fought effort to see in their own backyards a place that is at least trying to rebuild and revitalize a small spot with some sense of beauty, purpose and teaching others how to feed themselves, which has happened over the past two summers until this deep drought.
I relinquish my soapbox now, David! Good luck with the blog and always remember that in all actuality GOD was the original gardener...he planted the seeds of the universe, established the growing order of ife and gave us a mind and a knowledge and a soul that longs for dirty hands, sweaty brows and the sense to pray for good rain when needed!
Mike Millson...aka..."GARDEN DADDY"
I wrote "so" in 2nd paragraph...but "sow" as it should have been in the remainder...should have done a preview...rats!
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