30 January 2010

Combine and reduce

My calendar post the other day had a great suggestion I hadn't considered. I constantly look for ways to cut my lifestyle and live simpler. This post suggested combining as many hygiene products as possible. If everyone in the house can use the same shampoo, body wash, etc. you can buy in bulk and use refillable containers. Cuts down on waste and expenses. Of course, I'm single so there's no one to share with except my dog, and I'm not sure I should use her shampoo. But hopefully I'll have a larger family someday to share with.

Weekly Green Thought

"Poor innocent little creatures, if you were reasoning beings and could speak, you would curse us. For we are the cause of your death, and what have you done to deserve it?" Isaac the Syrian (late seventh century)

06 January 2010

Happy Green Year!

For Christmas I got a "Living Green: 365 Ways to Make a Difference" desk calendar. I'm quite excited about it, and I will use its wisdom to supplement the "Weekly Green Thoughts" (which will hopefully be more weekly than they were in 2009 ;) from The Green Bible.

I like this one a lot since I recently bought a new house. It is on the calendar's box rather than an actual page I've seen yet - but I think it works anyway. "What is the good of having a nice house without a decent planet to put it on?" - Henry David Thoreau

What if we start to think about the virtue of a house not in terms of square footage or amenities, but in terms of its impact (or hopefully lack thereof) on the earth which is home to all creatures?