04 April 2009

More Paperless Possibilities

Very early on I wrote about ending, or at least extremely reducing, paper use in church services - particularly with bulletins. But it has occurred to me that this act of creation stewardship should extend to all church mailings.

I currently serve three churches. I receive the official mail for all three churches at the same address. Quite often, I receive exactly the same thing from another ministry within the conference or a program entity in three mailings. If these groups would go through their mailing list, they would realize they are mailing three identical things to one address - and they could save on postage, paper, and environmental impact by reducing their mailings to me by two thirds. All it would take would be communication that I will receive only one mailing that I am to share with all three churches. When's the last time your church mailing address was audited?

To go even further - almost everything I receive from these ministries could be sent to me through e-mail. Then I would have the option to print as much or as little as I need. I understand many people feel that sending something through e-mail decreases its chances of being seen because of all the other forwards and useless things users receive - but it simply takes a commitment to operate differently. For that matter - I get just as much useless snail mail.

Many other entities are asking people to go paperless. I do so with banking, credit card, and other bills. So how about we ask people to go paperless with the church newsletter or calendar? What a difference this change could make!

Weekly Green Thought: "Nature is schoolmistress, the soul the pupil; and whatever one has taught or the other has learned has come from God - the Teacher of the teacher." - Tertullian (160-ca. 230), De Testimonio Animae

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